Remark: Have an eyeful glance of Comfortably dumb, before continuing.
Unlike the village of restrictions, bouncers in the city of acceptance are real who are busy guarding bars, pubs and discotheques. Minds here are bouncers-less. Minds here are locker-less. In fact, minds here are door-less. A man from the city of acceptance has an open mind. As open, as a thoroughly thrashed talented whore who can give a thought for anything. For whom, nothing is big enough. Who welcomes everything! Who sees no shape, who sees no size and who sees no qualifications! Just, everything! He allows everything but the bouncers, because he hates bouncers. He hates bouncers because he loves pubs, bars and discotheques. He loves pubs, bars and discotheques because there, he turns weird. He loves to get weird.
He sighs on familiar ideas and pays heed to the unfamiliar ones. He pays heed to unfamiliar ideas because on first note they look weird and unlike the man from the village of restrictions, he loves to go weird. He titillates on new ideas but never materializes them. He never materializes them because not materializing a titillating idea is a weird thing to do and a weird thing to do is all what he loves to do. Moreover, before he materializes any new idea, he gets familiar with it and when he hears a familiar idea, he sigh them off. He only pays heed to the unfamiliar ones.
He sleeps in the dawn and he wakes up after dusk. He works between dawn and dusk. He tries hard to make his schedule sound weird. He hangs weird paintings and derives weird syllogism from them. He gets a weird appetite at weird hours. He dresses weirdly and has a weird haircut. In a weird crowd he shakes weirdly at weird beats of some weird song. He uploads weird status on facebook and gets a thread of weird comments by other of his few weird inhabitants of the same city of acceptance. When taking part in a discussion, he chooses the weirder side and gives weirdest arguments. His thoughts are so weirdly arranged that his mind forms up to be weirdly hallow. He thinks that he is not weird.
He generally doesn’t like the man from the village of restrictions. He didn’t like him because he thinks that he is weird. He thinks that the man from the village of restrictions is weird because he doesn’t do weird stuffs. He doesn’t think more about the man from the village of restrictions because thinking more of the familiar man brings sigh to his face.
He never takes rest. Taking rest seems weird to him because it prohibits him from doing various weird options he has. His mind is so open, it keeps on allowing dissatisfaction. He has allowed so much dissatisfaction that they keep on not allowing satisfaction. He never stays calm. He never gets content. He never gets calm and content because getting calm and content is not a weird thing to get. In tail years of his life, he looks back and moans about how weirdly he has spent his years. His achievement looks small and weird to him.
After achieving more than the man from the village of restrictions, he still dies in dissatisfaction. That’s weird!